VET for Secondary Schools

VET for Secondary Schools

Our founder and Director, Sandra Robinson has brought a wealth of education experience to the business. Sandra started her career as a teacher followed by roles as a VET teacher and Enterprise and Vocational Education Coordinator. Her first hand experience with VET for Secondary Schools has resulted in the delivery of highly relevant programs for secondary schools in Western Australia.

Sandra has been involved in national school based projects using mobile technology and digital technology (e-learning) to deliver meaningful learning to disengaged learners.

Through our understanding of VET programs, ensuring our resources are flexible and by providing continuous support in delivery and assessment validation, we have built and will continue to build a solid reputation with our partner schools and their teachers. Our ultimate aim is to work collaboratively to prepare learners for a successful working life.

What is VET for Secondary Schools ?

VET for Secondary Schools is a program delivered to secondary school students as part of the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE).

VET for Secondary Schools enables secondary students to undertake a nationally recognised Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualification, usually at Certificate II level, while completing their WACE.

Five (5) critical success factors underpin successful VET programs delivered to secondary students:

  1. Leadership, continuity and partnerships
  2. Student cohort and parent liaison
  3. Vision, place and configuration
  4. Flexibility
  5. Course content, structure and evaluation

VET in School programs allow students to:

  • Develop industry specific skills
  • Gain nationally recognised VET qualifications and units of competency while still completing their senior secondary school qualification
  • Develop employability skills (for example, communication and problem solving skills)
  • Gain an understanding of the world of work which is invaluable experience to assist with planning and pursuing their career pathways

For employers, successful VET for Secondary Schools programs result in young people being able to enter employment with a ready developed skill set that enables immediate productivity.

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VET Qualifications

There are a range of VET courses available for secondary students, and your school will have different qualifications to choose from. If you want to see what qualifications are recommended by industry for school students, take a look at the VET qualifications register for secondary students.

We offer an extensive range of Certificate I, II, III and IV qualifications under our partnership arrangements.

Contact our VET in Schools Coordinator for more information about our VET in Secondary Schools qualifications.

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We have longstanding partnership arrangements with secondary schools in Western Australia. Our partner schools are guided and supported by our team who are experts in VET compliance and delivery of quality training and assessment. All our partner schools have access to our Online Learning Portal that provides them with all their resources and tools to deliver VET qualifications in the school environment.

Partnership arrangements are carried out in accordance with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 and the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011.

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School-Based Traineeships

School-based traineeships are Certificate II and III programs approved by industry to kick-start secondary student’s careers. They give school students, who are generally at least 15 years of age, the opportunity to start a traineeship as part of their school program.

School-based trainees go to school and work for an employer in their chosen industry. This gives them the same employment conditions and training responsibilities as other trainees.

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Training and Assessment

We have been delivering nationally recognised training and assessment programs to schools for over 15 years. Our understanding of the specific requirements of teachers and their existing skill sets is reflected in the delivery of our training and assessment qualifications.

All teachers must meet the requirements of trainers and assessors as per the Standards for Registered Training Orgainsations (RTOs) 2015. Our partnership arrangements and quality management system ensures teachers are compliant and confident in delivery vocational education and training programs.

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Professional Development

Continuing professional development is a fundamental part of maintaining organisational effectiveness and career relevance in Western Australian schools. With knowledge doubling every twelve months and increasing demands on teacher’s time it is becoming increasingly difficult to stay on top of professional learning obligations.

We support professional learning for teachers, VET Coordinators and school executives by providing a number of professional development workshops.

We deliver highly facilitated and interactive workshops on a variety of VET specific topics as well as industry topics relevant to a school environment. Our workshops are delivered through webinars, online, face-to-face or a blended structure.

We have workshops scheduled at our training centres throughout the year on a variety of topics.

To see all our current professional workshops go to the relevant industry area under Courses.

Customised Training
We design professional learning workshops that meet your specific needs. All our workshops can be tailored to suit your school environment or we can work with you to develop a bespoke workshop on a topic of your choosing.

Industry Visits
We provide a series of half day visits for auspicing teachers to update their industry currency. These visits are offered in the Metropolitan and Mandurah area.

Participants meet industry representatives to discuss any gaps in their knowledge and find out what skills their learners will require to gain access to careers in the industry. Participants are provided with a VET Capability Questionnaire and Professional Learning Plan to guide their collection of information and evidence, as well as a Certificate of Attendance for your Professional Learning Record.

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Our Speaker List

Mark the Date - June 17, 2024

Fees - $550.00

Conference Location - Perth Convention And Exhibition Centre

For further information on Empowering Futures ’24 please email