

The success of any training project depends on clarity around what you are looking to achieve and planning around how you will achieve it. We use our extensive experience in business and training to work with you to find the best solution be that a training solution or a consulting solution.


We offer a range of consulting services to assist you to optimise and maximise your desired results.

Training Needs Analysis (TNA) – We provide TNA services as part of your organisational training delivery. Initially we utilise a “Free Review Process” approach during which we determine your organisation’s challenges and training approach. Following this free process, we recommend a suitable solution to guide you to a successful training project.

RTO consultancy – We have extensive experience in the training sector and are often called into training organisations to provide advice on aspects of operation such as establishment, scaling and internal audits. In consultation with the organisation we will gain an understanding of the training needs, requirements and challenges your organisation is facing in an ever changing workplace.

Focus group – We can lead focus groups with customers, staff or stakeholders to identify training needs and challenges. We will guide the group in developing tangible training solutions and outcomes.

Innovation and idea facilitation – We facilitate innovation and idea generation workshops with organisations to develop training strategies to improve service and team performance and respond to changes in the internal or external environment.

Meeting facilitation – We can facilitate a meeting with key stakeholders to provide focus, direction and manage the meeting process to ensure the achievements of agreed deliverables.


Evaluation involves the assessment of the effectiveness of consultancy services. We do this by collecting data on whether participants are satisfied with the deliverables and whether it has achieved the required changes in the workplace.


Following a consultancy service you may decide that coaching is the preferred solution for your organisation. Skills Strategies, through the SSI coaching branch offer a range of coaching services.

We offer one-on-one coaching, group coaching, training based coaching and coaching based on Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) strategies which includes a 24/7 access coaching service for immediate problem clarification.

Our Speaker List

Mark the Date - June 17, 2024

Fees - $550.00

Conference Location - Perth Convention And Exhibition Centre

For further information on Empowering Futures ’24 please email